
Government - men in coat covering house, family, and car on the table

Simplify Regulatory and Compliance Management

Ensure all employees, contractors, vendors and volunteers meet policy and compliance requirements. Non-profit and Government organizations are entrusted by the people they serve to ensure safe, ethical practices. OurRecords can help your organization maintain up-to-date, secured records at no cost.

Minimize costs, administrative overhead, and liability

As a government organization, you need to make certain everyone working within your organization complies with regulatory requirements and your organization’s policies.

  • You set the requirements for your workforce.
  • Make certain all workers meet your requirements for criminal background checks, drugs tests, training, and other requisite conditions.
  • OurRecords prompts your staff, vendors, volunteers, and contractors to keep their records updated.
  • OurRecords verifies and certifies records of your entire workforce.
  • Records are accessible 24/7 from any device.
  • Automatic alerts for expiring records and other actions.

Our records ensures everyone keeps their credentials up to date, enabling you to focus on the real value your organization provides.

Increase efficient use of resources

State and local governments rely on the time and effort of many different resources including staff, contractors, vendors, and volunteers. Every new project comes with a new set of challenges to effectively and efficiently utilize all available resources. Learn how OurRecords can help your organization work more efficiently.

Ease compliance management for regulated organizations

Local and State government organizations have limited resources to verify credentials of the many regulated organizations they govern. OurRecords can cost effectively minimize the administrative overhead to manage these organizations. OurRecords provides regulated organizations with the tools and services to verify all necessary credentials are adequately accommodated. OurRecords streamlines accreditation and regulation verification processes to increase government regulatory efficiency.